Twelve Stones Classical School
WELCOME TO TWELVE STONES! Your children are growing in many ways; as students, thinkers, and servant-leaders. Twelve Stones Classical Christian School is an alternative way to provide an education for your child. We provide two days of on-campus instruction plus lesson plans for two to three days of parent-mentored instruction at home. Twelve Stones teachers are available for questions and help on home days and provide all grading and planning. Classical education was developed by the early Greeks, but it came to fruition in the Christian church. Therefore, to speak of classical education is also to speak of Christian education. The best of the ancient Greeks and Romans desired to live lives of piety and virtue, and with the coming of Christ, their imperfect vision of man was fulfilled. The cardinal virtues of prudence, temperance, justice, and fortitude were crowned with the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love.