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Handwriting Success - Italic Handwriting Series


A proven method

Hundreds of thousands of students have learned to write using Getty-Dubay.
Defined objectives
give you the confidence to track outcomes.
Clear instructions
take the guesswork out of your lesson plan.
Built-in self-assessment
helps kids work on their own and take ownership of their handwriting.

The Getty-Dubay Italic Handwriting Series
by Barbara Getty and Inga Dubay

A comprehensive handwriting program in seven workbooks for K - 6th Grade.

Join the thousands of students everyday who learn to write using Getty-Dubay.

Even if you've never taught handwriting, you'll find the Getty-Dubay Italic Handwriting Series easy to follow and full of step-by-step guidance, tips, and creative practice materials. Each of the seven books in the series has been designed to utilize the child's natural curiosity and thirst for learning.  The unique "Look-Plan-Practice" approach to self-assessment enhances legibility while empowering your student, encouraging responsibility for his or her own progress. The Instruction Manual for teachers and homeschool parents provides additional guidance for all grades.

Use HomeTrail to integrate Handwriting Success - Italic Handwriting Series into your Custom Curriculum and track progress!

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