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Kids' Chemical Solutions


We're Building Molecular Literacy! Chemistry comic books, audio books, activities, puzzles, and games for all ages! Early Learners 3+ Beginners 8+ Intermediate 13+ En EspaƱol Fundamentally, the foundations of learning how to read are the same as the foundations of learning chemistry. If you consider the Periodic Table of Elements the alphabet of science, learners need to understand these letters, which are called symbols, so that they can combine them to form words, which in chemistry are called molecular formulas. Like reading where words are then put together to form sentences, formulas are put together to form chemical equations. Each chemical equation is a sentence describing an event. What we discovered is that the best time to teach kids chemistry is right after they have learned to read (ages 8+) so that they can use the same neural pathways and strategies to become Molecularly Literate.

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