A writing, vocabulary, and illustration journal for boys and girls who dare!
Reach reluctant writers on their level and excite them to write about what interests them, makes them laugh, or is revoltingly fun!
Vocabulary lesson exercises include:
Matching, mad libs, crossword puzzles, multiple choice, word searches, exploring definitions, sentence completion, and even “mystery” vocabulary lists!
Writing Prompts:
The writing prompt for each chapter is humorous or thought provoking for kids. Different essay types are discreetly prompted in a conversational manner. Parents can decide whether to critique for content, grammar, or both.
*There is ample room for students to respond to writing prompts within this consumable journal.
Cursive Copywork:
Each chapter has a cursive copywork exercise related to its theme. Each is a short, funny paragraph or poem that is fun to read and offers a quick practice in cursive writing. The handwriting practice is optional and located in the back of the book.
Illustration Pages:
Students are encouraged to complete the partially started illustration pages in each chapter to compliment their writing. Often kids struggling to get their thoughts complete in the writing will enjoy this additional creative outlet.