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Scholar Within


At-Home and Online Reading Program


Scholar Within’s reading program is designed to advance your child’s reading and spelling skills. The program is brain-based, research-based, and results-proven. Each day is broken up into 4-6 short step-by-step activities for a total of 45-60 minutes.

You and your kids will see their progress each day. They will become more confident learners and develop a more positive attitude towards reading and spelling.

We use custom-designed activities and drills to actually make your brain work more efficiently. We do short, daily activities that help you process information faster.

Advance Faster.
Build Confidence.
We all learn through our senses. Visual, auditory, and tactile-kinesthetic learning are built into each activity to make your brain process information faster and more effectively.

Each activity is research-based and has been custom-designed by learning expert Bonnie Terry, M.Ed., BCET, to be the most effective for your children to improve their reading and spelling skills.

Use HomeTrail to integrate Scholar Within into your Custom Curriculum and track progress!

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What's the catch? There isn't one. Paid (but optional) addons are coming soon!

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Inclusion in this list does not imply HomeTrail's endorsement.
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