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At Sonlight, we believe that homeschooling is a way of life and an overarching attitude toward the world. The world is out there to be marveled at, enjoyed, explored, and learned from. Once you catch on to this idea, you will find it easy to see educational value in almost everything you do. Our goal at Sonlight is to produce a homeschool curriculum that will teach children (and parents) to understand first and judge second. More importantly, we want children to know that God is faithful – they can listen to other perspectives without having their faith destroyed. If our children can lead others to begin questioning their beliefs, they will have no shortage of people asking them "to give the reason for the hope that [they] have" (1 Peter 3:15). They can then approach a new and unfamiliar situation with the humility and grace appropriate to an ambassador of Christ. They will have no need to fear because they will learn that the truth – God's truth – will prevail. He who is in us truly is greater than he who is in the world (cf. 1 John 4:4). And He who is by our side will give us the right words to say when the time comes (cf. Matthew 10:18-20). Children come to know this not just in their heads, but also in their hearts, through experience.

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*These resources are not recommendations from HomeTrail.
Inclusion in this list does not imply HomeTrail's endorsement.
Please do your own research to determine if a resource is a good fit for your family.

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